Air filter cleaning

When I have my family over, no matter what they are coming over for I have to make sure that my house is spotless.

The reason for this is that my mom is a clean freak.

I feel like she has some kind of phobia when she goes into people’s houses that are dirty. All vacuum, dust clean my windows down the washroom and anything else that I see that needs to be clean. This past time when my mom came over she kept sneezing and sniffing the air. I asked her why she was sniffing the air and she said that she felt like the air quality in my home was not up to par. I thought she was sniffing the air because of my smell fantastic candles. She proceeded to ask me when the last time I changed my Heating and Air Conditioning air filter. I told her that I wasn’t sure and it was something that I absolutely did not want to deal with at the moment. She insisted that I go down to my basement and check the air filter. So I took her down there and she showed me where my air filter should be. My friend and I took the air filter out and it was caked with all sorts of dust and dander. She said that this was the reason why she was sneezing and she was surprised that my flu symptoms did not flare up. She went into my garage and found an extra high quality air filter in put it in for me. She told me that I absolutely need to check my air filter every few months just to make sure that my Heating and Air Conditioning system is running efficiently.