My throat require the highest air quality

As a studio songsian, I never was the star of our own band.

I am not the guy who gets the spotlight, I am the guy who crushes a bass guitar solo while no a single pays attention.

I have long since come to grips with the fact that I will never record our own solo album, and that is OK with me. I don’t need a tour of our own, I care about playing backup for the stars in the recording studio or out on the road. However I can no longer go out to play live shows, a studio is all I can do because I require superior air quality to stay sharp, however a studio will consistently have the best possible temperature control system, for the benefit the songsians recording, so it is consistently cool and the air is clean. There is no such thing as a/c or clean air when you are playing on stage someplace, that’s why I had to give it up, however my medical professional says that our lungs are weak, and I need the filtered air of an Heating and A/C system to keep myself and others health strong. I am not getting any younger, and despite the fact that I don’t have any health problems right now, I need to walk the straight and narrowand stay near an air filter at all times. It isn’t just smoke I am talking about, allergens and pollen can also impact our breathing, which is why I have an extra air filter in our living room. I am also considering getting a humidifier to run while I sleep.

climate control