Zone controlled heating for my cold body

I don’t want to bum everyone out, so I wrap myself up in blankets and sweatshirts and try to stay warm.

I’m not sure how many people struggle with the same issue that I do. Not everyone seems to be freezing cold. I am always cold. It’s difficult for other people to understand how I can be covered in Goosebumps when the temperature outdoors is 80 degrees – And I agree. I have no idea what’s wrong with my body that my internal thermostat is always cranked down to 50 degrees. It’s extremely inconvenience for having a busy life. I’m constantly carrying around multiple layers with me and trying to find ways to circumvent sitting under AC air vents. It’s kind of a stressful life. That’s why I wanted to finally upgrade my home HVAC system with zone controlled Heating and Cooling so that I could be comfortable no matter what room I’m in without killing my family. Most of the time when we’re at home together, they want the air temperature to be at 70 and I would prefer that it was at 75. I don’t want to bum everyone out, so I wrap myself up in blankets and sweatshirts and try to stay warm. Now, with my zone controlled heating system I can finally set unique temperatures around the house so that my family can stay comfortably cool and I can crank the heat in whatever space I’m in. It was a relatively easy installation for our Professional Heating and Cooling technician to complete and I couldn’t be more excited with the results. We’re using less energy than ever and everyone is much more comfortable. These days, I’m warmer than ever and my family is still keeping it cool.


Air conditioner service