Colordyne label makers for candle shop

I’ve always made my own candles and sold them to make a little bit of extra cash.

People just love my scents.

My business started growing pretty fast though and the biggest problem I was having was keeping up with the labels for the candles. It’s not good if I mix up cherry with cinnamon when labeling a candle. I also wanted labels that were a little more professional looking and that’s when I came across Colordyne Technologies. Colordyne Technologies offer digital printers that can print labels for just about anything. This includes labels for candles. As I’m sure you’re aware of, candles generate a lot of heat. Not just any label will work. When I looked more into the Colordyne option, I was happy to find that their label do work on candles. They also look pretty simple to figure out. I like that I can also print pictures on the labels so that I could have a cherry pie with the cherry candle, for example. Or cinnamon sticks on the cinnamon candle. Previously, I was just using a home label maker to just write the name of the candle on the lid. This doesn’t look very professional at all. I still sold a lot of candles this way but I feel that buying a real label maker will put my candle shop in the next tier. I will then feel like a professional candle maker, not just an artsy one. Of course, I can be artsy and professional at the same time. I think it is time to make my candle business my full time job.

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