I changed over to a Kerajet ceramic printer

I started painting mugs as a child and I never stopped. know I sell decorative cups, mugs, bowls, and plates. It’s a lot of fun but it’s also very time-consuming. Recently I’ve started playing with digital images and have finally decided to move on to using ceramic printers. It took me a long time to get to this point where I decided it was okay to not hand paint every single piece of ceramic tableware. But, with arthritis setting in, it was a necessary change. I find that I really like manipulating digital images and printing them on to mugs. It’s just as fun as physically painting them. Of course, with this medium change, I had to change my art supplies as well. I no longer have a lot of paint sitting around. Instead I’m using Kerajet ceramic printer. The printer is very large and takes up most of my garage. But I was surprised at how well it works. It never damages the ceramic either so I don’t have to worry about broken plates or cups. It’s already paid for itself in sales. Although, I must say that the Kerajet ceramic printer was rather expensive in the beginning. It was still cheaper than paying somebody else to have my designs printed. That’s especially true when you consider shipping ceramics back and forth across the country. Now I don’t have to worry about mailing a few hundred cups to a ceramic printer. I have a ceramic printer here in my own home. That means I only have to worry about mailing my artwork to the buyers.


digital label diecutter