Bad odor coming from ductwork

I could not be more content

There has been a absolutely bad odor in the home lately. I’ve been having trouble narrowing down where it is coming from. It odors love rotting potatoes as well as it is nasty. You are hit with the strong odor as soon as you open the door. I have looked everywhere for the source of the odor however couldn’t find it for the longest time. It wasn’t the refrigerator or the trash can as well as the odor wasn’t coming from under the couch either… Finally I realized that the odor seemed to be coming from the Heating and Air Conditioning system. After all, the odor was always stronger when the oil furnace or A/C kicked on. I tried replacing the air filter for the Heating and Air Conditioning proposal however that didn’t help much. However I did notice that the odor was much stronger in the space where the filter goes. To myself and others that meant that there was really something odory in our Heating and Air Conditioning ductwork system. So finally I decided to call out an Heating and Air Conditioning corporation to come out as well as do a ductwork cleaning as well as service for our Heating and Air Conditioning system. The Heating and Air Conditioning contractors used these round brush heads affixed to a long hose as well as a drill-like aparatices to scrub our ductwork absolutely well. I was surprised at how much dirty, wet mud as well as crap they got out of there. No wonder it odored so bad. They also oiled as well as cleaned up our Heating and Air Conditioning system. Now the odor is finally gone. I could not be more content. I was start to think that I would never get rid of that stench.

a/c worker