Drying our shoes over the oil furnace vent

When I was a child our dad drove this outdated ‘73 Chevy Suburban. The two of us took that truck everywhere as well as had a lot of fun. The two of us would go hiking as well as biking as well as camping in that truck; Occasionally all of us would get our shoes all wet as well as our dad would take the shoes as well as put them on top of the air intake filter under the engine. I would be distraught that the shoes would fall off as well as get lost however they never did. Instead, he would drive lake home as well as all of us would have nice warm, dry shoes by the time all of us got home. I miss those mornings sometimes. I still do a lot of outdoor activities however cars don’t have huge air intake filters on top of their engines anymore. They now have tiny little plastic filter covers off to the side. So when our feet get wet I just take off our shoes, crank up the oil furnace in the vehicle as well as then still have wet shoes when I get home. I hobble in the home with bare feet as well as put our shoes over the vent for our forced air oil furnace as well as our shoes are dry by day. Of course, I now own more than one pair of shoes. I generally didn’t as a kid. So it is not a huge deal if our shoes don’t dry abruptly over the oil furnace vent. I am also aware that they make shoe gas furnaces now that are designed to dry out your wet shoes. Still, nothing could compare to the outdated way of drying them. I miss those mornings.

Heating tune up