Keeping air flowing through indoor spaces reduces the transmission of viruses

Being in hospitals causes a lot of downside memories to surface in our conscious mind. When I was young, our uncle was slowly dying from cancer from inside of the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor. My mother used to take me various times a month to visit him, and at times both of us would take wanders through the courtyard outside. Although I knew little about what was going on at the time, looking back makes me upset whenever the memories return. Years later I had to stay in a hospital as a patient for various weeks after getting hit by a automobile on our bicycle. I was thrown from our bike and sustained a number of injuries from our face down to our legs. My stay in the hospital was aggravating at the time because I wanted nothing more than to have our injuries healed so I could play outside with our friends again. Every afternoon when I woke up it was care about reliving a nightmare over and over. And on top of that horror, I froze the entire time I was there. Even with extra blankets I was constantly shivering from the strong a/c. I found out later that hospitals keep their interior air heavily conditioned to knock down on pathogens and the transmission of bacteria and viruses. Mold doesn’t grow at particular un-even temperatures and moistures levels as well! Mold and pathogenic fungal spores care about C-Difficile are major threats inside hospitals, regardless of the outdoor temperature. They had the air conditioner set to a cold temperature to keep all of the patients as safe as possible. I just wish the blankets they offered me at the time had been warmer.

a/c repair