Common problems with ducted air conditioning systems

Ducted HVAC systems feature a central unit that effectively conditions air and then delivers the cooled air through a series of ducts into all the rooms within your home.

In terms of functionality, ducted air conditioning systems are ideal for homeowners and come equipped with premium features that can in no way be rivaled by any other type of cooling system.

Regardless, it is imperative to note that, like any other cooling and heating systems, ducted air conditioning systems require routine maintenance to function efficiently and effectively. Unfortunately, there are a few common problems that often plague ducted AC units, even with seasoned maintenance. To begin with, dirty or clogged ducts. When there are gaps in your return air ducts, they will ultimately cause your ducted system to suck in unwanted elements such as dust, dirt, pollen, and other forms of debris, resulting in clogged ducts. Dirty or clogged ducts will not only affect the quality of your indoor air, but they will also impact your unit’s overall performance, making it less efficient. Next is air loss. When your ducted AC system is poorly maintained, the chances are high that leaks will develop in your ductwork, providing a pathway for conditioned air to escape. This issue can be costly as it can not only increase your energy bills significantly but will also cause condensation to occur outside your ductwork. Ducted AC units also experience stuck or jammed zoning gates. Zoned ducted AC allows you to regulate airflow seamlessly to individual rooms in your home. When these zone gates get damaged, cool air will be delivered to areas in your home that don’t need it.

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