Signing up with personal trainer to get in shape for vacation

When I signed up with a personal trainer, I was simply hoping to lose ten pounds.

My husband and I were planning to take a vacation to Hawaii.

I wanted to look good in a bikini. I’d tried running and bicycling, but found it impossible to get rid of those extra pounds on my own. I found a personal trainer who seemed like a good fit for me and explained my goal. I was rather surprised when the personal trainer wanted to sit down and have an in-depth conversation about nutrition. I’ve always been fairly careful about what I eat. However, I never really considered the importance of a balanced diet or hydration. From the personal trainer, I learned that I was not drinking enough water. I was dehydrating myself during my workouts. I was also not getting sufficient protein. My personal trainer set up a meal plan for me, which definitely helped me to lose weight. He also created a workout regiment that was rather demanding. He pushed me beyond my comfort zone yet kept me motivated. As I started to have success, I became even more determined. I not only reached my target weight, but lost an extra five pounds. Plus, I gained muscle tone and reshaped my body. My husband was so impressed with my success that he also signed up with the same personal trainer. By the time we left on our trip, we were both in the best shape of our lives. That was three years ago, and we still meet with our personal trainer every week.


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