Son by the fireplace

I love being a mom.

  • I just gave birth to our first little baby girl.

She is so sweet. I cannot even express how much I adore that little girl. She just turned 5 months old, and I cannot believe how fast time has flown past.It feels like it was just yesterday that I was in the hospital meeting her for the first time. I really wish that time would stay still for a few years. I am already dreading her getting any older. She is a pretty relaxed baby, even though she does get fussy quite a bit. I have tried multiple things to settle her down, but I have found that the best thing is to rest her in front of the fireplace. She prefers to watch the fake flames. It is an electric fireplace, so the flames aren’t even real flames, however that does not matter to her. She will literally lie down in front of it and watch it for an hour or more. I have never loved our fireplace so much. I have consistently wanted a “real” fireplace, but I would not trade this electric one for a real one anyday. Now that I know how much our baby prefers this fireplace, I am incredibly satisfied with it. My husband laughs at me because I used to mention how much I wanted a wood burning fireplace almost every single afternoon. He consistently had an eye out to see if he could find a wood fireplace for a cheap price, even though he no longer has to look. I hope that our electric fireplace keeps working to soothe our fussy baby girl.

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