Quarantine a good excuse to stay in the AC

This quarantine happened at an opportune time, I must admit.

I only recently moved down here to the south, and it has been a big adjustment to say the least.

The people are nice, and the food is actually a lot better than where I used to live, but the weather is a brutish and unmanageable beast that I have yet to tame. I didn’t even know I had allergies before moving here, because the humidity and pollen levels are so high I feel sick and stuffed up almost all the time. I was spending most of my time inside anyway, in the comfort of the air conditioner, and the quarantine has just given me a reason to keep on doing that! I was starting to feel like a dork, because every time my friends wanted to go out and do something I had to stay inside with the climate control. On some nights the pollen was so bad just leaving the presence of an air filter for a few minutes would cause me to sneeze uncontrollably. Thanks to the quarantine I don’t have to make excuses, I can stay in the climate control and enjoy social interaction over Zoom or Facetime. This is only a temporary solution, of course, I can’t plan on spending the rest of my life in climate control conditions, so I need to find the right allergy medicine. Of course, the allergies are only part of the problem, I really enjoy the AC for the cooling as well, because it is ungodly hot out there!


Cooling and heating business