We chose a ductless system for our upgrade

We don’t know if we’ve ever experienced the amount of challenges that 2020 has thrown at us. It would be overwhelming for us if we hadn’t had each other to get through this. First, our parents died within several weeks of each other. They were easily outdated plus there were elements that were particularly a blessing. As we sit in comfort from our new Heating plus A/C system, we can supply thanks for these elements. First, neither parent suffered and they didn’t go long without each other. That makes the rest of our year a bit brighter. Then, the pandemic hit plus changed our life dramatically. Our parents left their appealing beach home to my partner plus I, which happened at a great time given our financial stress. The two of us could finally have a place to fit our family plus do so separate from a mortgage payment. However, renovating the beach house so that we could comfortably live in it during a pandemic no less, was difficult. The first thing we had to address was our Heating plus A/C system because it wasn’t livable. Our Heating plus A/C supplier designed a series of ductless Heating plus A/C that could replace the worn out central air system. It was fantastic! The two of us didn’t need to replace every single worn out HVAC duct. Nor, did we have to spend a lot of money on a new Heating plus A/C unit. The ductless system allowed for an easier Heating plus A/C upgrade, and it’s far more efficient than anything we would’ve chosen. Given all that has occured this year, I’d say the Heating plus A/C is a big win.



Programmable thermostat