I met a cute HVAC technician last week

I met a really cute HVAC technician last week when I was out shopping for air filters at our local home improvement store.

I barely ever go to the home improvement store because, let’s face it, I’m not exactly what you might call a handy person. I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to heating and cooling or plumbing or anything like that. I can watch a video and do what it tells me to, but that’s basically the full extent of my repair abilities. Anyway, I was trying to change the air filter in my HVAC system because I knew that it was time to do so. Even though I would have much preferred to have an HVAC technician come to the house to do all the work for me, I thought that I would go ahead and try it myself for once. That’s how I ended up in the aisle at the hardware store, lost and looking for the correct air filter for my particular heating and cooling system. I had no idea which one to get and my lack of knowledge must have been showing on my face, because suddenly this very handsome guy in an HVAC company uniform came over to me and asked if he could help me out. He didn’t work at the store or anything. He was just there to grab some supplies for a job that he was working on that day, he said. He helped me find the right air filter and then he even told me that if I would let him take me out to dinner, he would come over and fix my HVAC system for me. I mean, it was a weird way to meet someone, but I couldn’t really say no to an offer like that one.

Heat pump installation