I thought I could ice skate in our home.

I got up to go to work this day, plus I didn’t know what I was going to be coming beach house to.

I always set our temperature control so that the temperature will drop down to sixty while I’m away.

An second before I get home, the temperature slowly comes back up to seventy. I walk into our beach house plus it is warm plus cozy. When I got beach house last night, it was so cold that I couldn’t stop shivering. I called the Heating plus A/C company, however it was too late for our pipes. I could almost hear the water cold in our pipes. The pipes that run through the basement were frozen plus one had burst. I swore I could have ice skated across the floor. I called our homeowners insurance plus told them about the burst pipes plus our furnace going out. They said they would have an adjuster to the house as soon as possible. In the meantime, I had to sit at the house plus put up with having no furnace plus watching icicles form in our house. The Heating plus A/C professional arrived before the insurance adjuster. He tested the furnace plus told myself and others I would need a up-to-date one. I began to laugh. He must have thought I was crazy until he realized what he had said plus then he laughed with me. The insurance adjuster showed up in time to listen to us laughing. He started walking around plus looking at the destruction, while I tried to stop the tears before they froze. Now, I’m wondering if our homeowner’s insurance will pay for the destructions plus for the up-to-date furnace.



a/c professional