Everyone prefers a little cuddling. (The furnace broke)

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a day of love.

It involves romance that makes all the people who doesn’t have someone to love, depressed.

All of our friends had significant others. I was the only one in our group who didn’t have anyone. When they planned on having a Valentine’s Day party, I turned down the invitation. I didn’t want to be the only one there that didn’t have a plus one. They told myself and others that I could bring our sibling if I wanted, but I had to be there. I was afraid this was going to be another set-up, which I didn’t want. I called our best friend, LInda, plus asked if he wanted to go to a party with me. I explained about the party plus how I thought I was being set up. Since he didn’t have a date either, he went with me. When every one of us got there, I found out that there wasn’t a set-up, except for the furnace. They had been having trouble with the furnace in their apartment. They didn’t want to spend the currency to call the Heating plus A/C company so they wanted myself and others to do the work. They knew I was an Heating plus A/C professional, so he didn’t want to call myself and others while I was toiling. This was his way to get a free furnace repair. Linda plus I stuck around for the party plus every one of us were having a actually nice time. At the end of the night he turned to myself and others plus said it was a shame the furnace hadn’t broken. Everyone prefers a little cuddling. She gave myself and others a hug, plus I couldn’t let go..


a/c worker