I cannot function separate from my smart temperature control

Maybe I am going to come off as spoiled, but if I am being fair I am okay with that. I do not adore having a normal temperature control. I cannot imagine living with a correct non-smart temperature control. Where I live, I have a lovely programmable smart temperature control, and the best section about it is that it can fasten to the Wi-Fi in addition to so I can open the app on my cellphone in addition to control my temperature control. I am undoubtedly picky about my temperatures in addition to I have to have my indoor temperature preferences if I am going to have a nice day, so having a way where I can control my temperature is separate from even being there is definitely necessary for me, however every time I go over to my boyfriend’s house in addition to I see his ugly old dial temperature control I cannot help but to just cringe. I keep telling him that he entirely should update to a Smart temperature control because I don’t even adore being inside of his arena with that old rinky dinky temperature control. However he likes it the way it is in addition to refuses to change it, as a result I have been spending most of my time at my arena in addition to he’s been coming over to my arena to visit. He doesn’t adore his smart temperature control in addition to doesn’t see it in necessity of it. I assume we will have to sort out our temperature differences before we transport in together. The two of us have been practicing this by alternating between the weird temperatures. However we have not had much luck with that so we are considering just going with a zone control HVAC idea to take care of our troubles. I am hopeful that we will be able to toil things out in addition to have a way where we can both have our temperature references.

HVAC tech