I retired from HVAC work but still do free service and service for our parents

Before moving into the heating and cooling industry, I was working as an auto mechanic with dwindling hours.

  • I could only find area time work and the pay wasn’t what I was expecting while I was still busy with trade college.

By the time I had been in the auto industry for a few years, I was already plotting our exit. Instead of trying to pivot to a similar job, I went back to trade college to learn a current job altogether. I assumed at first that this current job would be cooking for diners or hotel living rooms. It’s a prestigious job that also pays well compared to basic assistant cook positions. But I wasn’t particularly happy in the cooking course I was taking. I have regularly liked to cook for myself, but I found that some of the more complicated recipes were discouraging for me to follow. It’s not that I can’t follow the instruction, but they’re not regularly conducive for enjoying the labor in the process. Then 1 day I took an HVAC class on a whim and immediately fell in love. I went on to get our HVAC certifications and worked in the industry for decades. Even though I’m currently a retired heating and cooling professional, I still offer free service and service to our parents. They’re both senior citizens and vulnerable to scammers of all kinds. I’d rather take care of their central HVAC program instead of forcing them to deal with random heating and cooling dealers here in town. Some of them do not have the best ratings either.



hvac worker