Oil Furnace Needs a Wakeup Call

There are only 5 more days of semi warmish weather & then it looks like the floor is going to drop out from under my feet.

I suppose that Max and I will be dipping into the lower 40s at night soon & that means I will need to turn on the central furnace some because my flat is not well insulated & the windows are so outdated & loosely set & let in a lot of cold drafts.

I entirely need some current windows in this locale, however buying them is like trying to pull teeth from a live great white shark. I have a section heater, which is a single 1 of those electric kind from way back, even though I don’t like to run it too much because it is not so efficient anymore & costs myself and others a whole lot of currency to run. I can really make it for another month here without entirely running the heater a lot & after that I will be back loft in the States for many weeks to visit my family. I’ll be staying with my aunt and uncle while I am back & maybe now working for the local corporation to gain a little spending currency. I suppose that it should be a nice time back loft seeing my family around the holiday. The two of us will have some laughs & fights like normal while the people I was with and I sit around the old gas fireplace at mom’s loft for our holiday dinners. My uncle is a professional Heating & Air Conditioning rep & usually tells us about the latest Heating & Air Conditioning gadgets out on the market today. He sometimes even gives us all a current washable HEPA air filter for a present.

heat pump installation