Genuinely looking forward to the hiking trip

As a 5th grade student I have been entirely looking forward to this week’s hike.

I entirely never become gleeful for anything at school besides seeing my pals although I love hiking and this might turn into something entirely cool.

This will be a class trip and I had my parents approval to go on it. They signed a paper letting me, however they were entirely hesitant because they remembered what happened in the 4th grade trip. It wasn’t a hike, however a trip to the zoo and I fell and cracked my tooth. I still at times feel the texture of the crack although I have a new tooth now and that is my mind attempting to drive me crazy. It is kind of frosty outside this week although I live near the school so I usually walk. On my walk I see the neighbors inviting a heating appliance worker in. I think they are getting their gas furnace looked into as it’s going to be getting frigid soon. I’m glad we have a heating business within a few short blocks from us because my worst fear is becoming too cold. I know we are good though because we just had heating repair taken care of a few afternoons ago. I arrived at school and the building and put my things in my locker and chose to walk to class. I sat at my desk and looked up. This week it appears we have a substitute mentor. She slowly wrote his name on the chalkboard and I entirely realized at that moment we were not going on our hike. I grew a little upset however he turned around and said don’t be bothered, I’m only here for an hour because your mentor is totally running late.


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