Two Hour Workday Seven Days a Week is a Pretty Good Schedule

I don’t know if I will ever do an office job or a manual labor job again after being able to work from home on my computer.

I just don’t like having to drive in that rush hour traffic anymore if I don’t need to, that is worse than working itself with the stress it entails.

I used to have to drive two hours to work and back each day, and when you add that to my nine hour workday there was no energy left in me when I got home each evening. I was an HVAC rep at a local business and did a lot of driving for that company over the years, but I grew tired of the hustle and bustle of the heating and cooling industry, so I left it all after about seven years in the business to become a comedian. Needless to say, comedy didn’t pay the bills very well and was very stressful too, so I finally quit that racket after 15 years and began a journey in music. I still like to dabble in heating and air conditioning repair and service, and still work on my own HVAC unit in my home, but I think music is going to be my real passion till the day I die. I wish I had gotten into music a long time ago instead of becoming an engineer, but you don’t know till you try and I gave it my best shot. I like being an HVAC tech because I can work on heat pumps and hot water boilers just about anywhere in the world.

energy saving tips