Wake me up when the air conditioning is repaired.

I didn’t sleep all night because of how hot it was in my house.

  • I knew I had to get some sleep, but it just wasn’t working.

I took three cold showers, but I would start sweating as soon as I got into my bedroom. I turned on the fan and laid in front of it. I wanted to make sure I got some sleep. When the alarm went off, it was all I could do to wake up. I wasn’t comfortable, and I was still sleepy. I called off work, because there was no way I could work when I could barely keep my eyes open. I waited for the HVAC technician to call me back, but it didn’t happen. My sister showed up that evening and asked whent he HVAC technician was going to show up. I told her three hours ago, but who knows now. I headed to my bedroom and asked her to wake me up when the air conditioning is repaired. She laughed and headed to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I fell to sleep, but I couldn’t stay to sleep. I was up an hour later, and we were sitting by the pool when the phone rang. The HVAC technician was fifteen minutes away, so it was time for us to get dressed. I cringed when I thought about putting clothes on, and my sister told me to throw a shirt on. I looked good in a bathing suit. When the HVAC technician arrived, I wished I had put my jeans and a sweatshirt on. The HVAC technician was none other than my old boyfriend and I still wasn’t over him.


air filter