I’ve been waiting for this thing to die

I have had the same gas furnace installed in my home for the past 5 years & I think it is starting to rapidly show signs of wear & tear. It takes a lot longer for the condo to warm up every chilly morning & our heating bills seem to be much higher than average. I looked at my bank statements from the past 5 years & the heating bills from the last 10 months are at least 15% higher than the past 5 years. When the gas furnace was brand-new, I bought the best one that I was told money could buy. Unfortunately, right after that, heating technology moved about the same speed as cell phone technology. A year after I made the purchase, our new gas furnace was obsolete. I am going to buy a much nicer gas furnace this time around. I already have our eye on a gas gas furnace equipped with a 99% AFUE rating. The AFUE rating is important, because this actually determines how much task the device will do in order to heat the air in my home. My aged gas furnace had an AFUE rating of 69%. When I purchased the machine, I recall I was ecstatic with that number. It was a great gas furnace numerous years ago. Now I can purchase something that is damn near 100% energy-efficient. I made an appointment with the gas furnace repair contractor & next week they are going to investigate the problem. If it’s time to buy something new, I’ll happily choose the one that I have in mind.



furnace/heater tune-up