My mom grew up in the only condo with a/c in town

My mom grew up in the only condo in her entire town that had a/c! She lived in a rural section of the country as well as not multiple people were genuinely well off, and it was a poorer area of town as well as her dad was the supervisor of the bank! They were the only family in town that genuinely had central a/c in their home.

Needless to say, our mom’s friends constantly wanted to come over to her condo to hang out in the summertime when the temperatures outside were genuinely hot.

They constantly wanted to come in as well as start cooling down before they went back outside; My mom had a ton of friends when she was growing up, as well as she has constantly said that it was because she had central a/c in her condo as well as no a single else did. She did tell myself and others that it was fun to be the girl that constantly had people coming over to her house. I don’t suppose if I would have wanted to be the center of attention simply because I had a central a/c plan installed in our house, but our Grandpa genuinely liked being able to give the best of things to our mom when she was growing up. I know that it was cool that she was able to have a/c when no a single else did. These afternoons, just about everyone has a/c in their homes so it’s not that uncommon! What a difference from the times when only a single condo in town had a/c!

Hydronic heater