It would seem that my wife is allergic to stings

I was distraught about my wife. The other day she was walking in from the parking lot and she was stung by a yellow jacket. She said the yellow jacket just landed on her hand and stung her for no reason in the least. Now her hand was super swollen. She said it didn’t hurt so bad however it looked pretty bad. I kept seeing her and making sure she didn’t get a drastic allergic reaction to the yellow jacket sting. She never had any complications breathing or anything however the next afternoon her hand was still incredibly swollen so I took her to the doctor. The doctor prescribed some antihistamine and told us that my wife is likely allergic to bees and wasps and yellow jackets. Now she has to carry around an injection just in case she ever has an awful reaction to a sting. As the two of us were coming back into the household, after our appointment, I noticed that there is a sizable yellow jacket hive in the parking lot just above the section where the two of us park our car. My wife wants to go get some wasp spray, wait until it is dark, and kill the yellow jackets on her own. I guess that is an awful plan and easily dangerous. She could die if she gets stung again. I am not brave enough to do it myself either. So I simply hired a yellow jacket exterminator to take care of it for us. The exterminator will arrive tomorrow and put an end to those horrible yellow jackets. That takes a bit of worry off of my mind. Now my wife won’t get stung again.

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