Mom and dad are getting a divorce

It is not good for my sister’s either

My mom and dad have been separated for more than six months. I know they are really going to get a divorce soon. They still fight all the time, and they do not even live together right now. My dad had to get an apartment after he moved out of the family house. My mom and both of my siblings and I still live at the same address, however we visit our dad on the weekends. Only a couple of months ago, my dad finally got a place of his own. Unfortunately, it is a bit run-down and needs a lot of renovations. The cooling system does not work very well. My sisters and I spent last weekend without any AC. When I came home from my dad’s house, I was a little aggravated about spending all weekend without any cool air, and I told my mom that I didn’t want to go back to my dad’s place until the AC problem was fixed. My mom right away got on the phone with my dad and she started yelling and screaming. I only heard half of the conversation, although I guess she was aggravated about the AC. I didn’t want to cause a big fight when I started venting to my mom, but she right away called my dad to begin a fight. I do not like being in the middle of their drama. It is not good for my sister’s either. They are three and four years younger than myself and still very impressionable, and next time I have an issue with my dad, I won’t talk to my mom about it. I’ll call a friend instead.


air purification