Changes during pregnancy

As my pregnancy progresses so do some of my symptoms.

First, my boobs just keep getting bigger and bigger.

That is annoying since I now have bought two different sizes of bras and now none of them fight. Another change is my waist size. I constantly am sizing up clothing like my pants and tank tops to be more comfortable. My changing size is costing me a fortune. Another steady change is my body temperature. I went from being somebody who is always cold. I slept with a comforter on my bed at night. I never wanted my husband to turn on the AC in the morning. I bitterly complained about the car cooling system. You could find me laying in direct sunshine reading or tanning quite often. Slowly I have started to get hotter. I no longer used a blanket on the couch when I watched TV. I had to work out earlier in the day due to the heat. Now I am at the point that I am dying for AC. I sleep with just a bed sheet and the AC set to 70 degrees. I am still quite hot. I beg my husband to turn on the air conditioning in the car when I get inside. I had to invest in a window air conditioner for my work out space since the fan wasn’t cutting it. I am hopeful I don’t get any hotter. Right now my husband and I finally agree on a temperature. He is so happy that he can enjoy AC again. I am happy that we are more thermostat compatible.

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