No more HVAC drama

But, I couldn’t help myself

I prefer chill to drama. I will take getting along over argument on most issues. I think it’s genetic because I have never been one to lose my cool over small matters. I’m emotionally air conditioned i guess. So, I find myself really fascinated when people get so over the top emotional. It further amazes me how many people just lose it all the time. Where do they get all that crazy energy? I’d have to take many naps a day in the cool air conditioning to conjure up all that energy. My friend across the street is just a flip out king. This guy rages at the slightest issue. He caught me on my way in from work the other day and just let it fly about all the HVAC issues. He just found out that come May the refrigerant in his old heat pump will be illegal. Of course, he is blaming all this on a vast left wing conspiracy. I kind of wanted to wind him up so I engaged a bit. I pointed out that R 22 refrigerant hasn’t even been used in HVAC manufacturing for over nine years. His color began to go from pink to red. I further explained that R 22 kills the ozone and that our species really can’t live on the planet without an ozone layer. This was the tipping point for sure. The veins at his arms were near bursting as he just let loose. The guy was entirely screaming at me. I just smiled. In reality I was sort of scared this idiot was going to have a heart attack right in front of me. But, I couldn’t help myself. As I walked into my house, I dropped one more small nugget. I reminded him that we all must do our part to save the planet and then closed the door in his face.

