I should probably change my HVAC air filter.

One of my admitted faults is my propensity to put off doing things for as long as I can. My mother called me lazy and my dad thought I was smoking pot. It turns out they were both right. I would say that my laziness outweighs my pot smoking, though, because one time I didn’t smoke for a month because I didn’t care about driving all the way across town to score! Both my laziness plus my pot smoking caught up with me recently, plus, thanks to this lockdown, I have no way to remedy the situation. Do any of you have an idea for how I can get my HVAC unit running again? I have not had the heating and cooling equipment checked in years, plus with all the heavy smoke inside our home I am thinking that I genuinely should have had it tuned up regularly. I guess that smoke can collect in the air vents and the ducts, and will clog up an air filter pretty quickly. That made me realize that I had not changed our air filter in the home even once in the two years I have lived here, which is genuinely a bad thing; When I hold my hand up in front of the air vent I can barely feel any air moving at all. I would check the air filter, except for I guess I don’t have a new one anyway, plus I also don’t have any clue where the air filter is located. I told you I had never changed the air filter before!

heating and cooling