Seeing a friendly face doing an HVAC service

I work for a local AC service supplier, and most of the time I work on repairs, but every once in a while I will perform an upgrade, then installation jobs happen much less frequently, because people appreciate to service their a/c or heater instead of replacing it.

Heating and air conditioning systems can be harshly high-priced, especially if they are energy efficient.

It makes more sense to service the issues instead of replacing the HVAC plan every couple of years. This particular week I went to help an older lady with a thermostat problem. Her boys bought her a programmable thermostat and they even installed the machine; however sadly, they did not install the thermostat properly and the lady couldn’t control the heat or the a/c with the machine. I figured some of the wires were particularly crossed and I didn’t assume the job would take a long time at all. When I arrived on the front porch, I recognized the name of the customer. It was my math teacher from elementary school. I did not assume the last name on the ticket until I saw the whole name on the mailbox. When she opened the door, she instantaneously recognized me too… Every one of us had a nice hug and an hour or two of catching up. The thermostat wires were crossed and the short service only took about one single hour. I did not charge her for the repair, but I did take some fresh cookies to go. My boss totally understood when I told him about the lady. He did not mind that I gave her a free helping hand. That’s a single reason among many why I like my boss. He is always an absolutely great guy.


HVAC home services