Good HVAC maintenance is really just saving me money

I’m pretty good with taking care of the stuff that takes care of me. When it comes to the cars, I’m on top of getting the oil changed when I’m supposed to. This is essential to making sure that we get the value out of our vehicles. Without this sort of maintenance, stuff will just wear out a whole lot earlier. And really, the effort and expense put into general preventive maintenance is well worth it to keep stuff going. I’m the same way with the HVAC equipment. My old truck is going on 22 years old and it has a ton of miles on it. It’s sort of a no frills kind of vehicle but that thing just keeps running. And that’s a car payment I don’t have to make each month. I’m hoping to get the same sort of longevity out of the HVAC equipment. We inherited an HVAC unit when we bought this house. It went like seven or eight years before we were faced with a need for new residential HVAC. My wife and I decided to go all in on the residential HVAC. That meant the best HVAC equipment and all the HVAC technology that goes with it. I have to say that I’m in love with the quality heating and air in our home and it’s all due to the rocking HVAC unit. At the same time, we both want that HVAC unit to go for as long as we own the house. We’re hoping to get close to thirty years out of this HVAC. So we make sure that it gets the HVAC maintenance it needs.

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