Not sweating the allergies this fall

We doubled up on our saving and this spring, we had the whole home air purification system installed

Okay so the fall allergies around here aren’t as bad as the initial blast of pollen in the spring. But still, after a summer of sweating it out and hanging on the central air conditioning, being all allergy sick is just the worst. It’s right up there with a summer cold. And I hate summer colds. But this September when the golden rod and other stuff starts up, I know that I have an allergy refuge inside my home. This is because we finally wised up and got some serious air purification in this house. The process of finally getting the whole home air purification system installed inside our HVAC equipment was a bit circuitous. Initially, we wanted to rid the air in our home of the bacteria that was causing all the odors. We take pride in our home and really take care of it. But the indoor air odors were getting the best of us. With three boy, two dogs and a cat, it was just inevitable that we would battle indoor odors. That’s when we first learned about air purification. At the time, we were a bit strapped so we had to wait a bit and start saving. By the time we learned how important the indoor air quality is to our immune response and respiratory health, we were in the pandemic. We doubled up on our saving and this spring, we had the whole home air purification system installed. Not only is it killing the odor causing bacteria and all the other airborne contaminants, this air purifier fries all the pollen in the air too. So bring it on golden rod, I’m ready this fall.

air conditioning workman