Heat pump was more than capable for our heating needs

The new job came with a lot of different and new responsibilities.

I knew that I was up to it as I had been preparing for this job for the better part of a decade.

So it wasn’t that it was overwhelming or intimidating so much as it was just so new. I think the change in location amplified that feeling as well. Inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office, it felt pretty much like the old office did. But when we moved south, I wasn’t so sure just what to expect. We weren’t going so far south that there would be no winter and our only concern would be the HVAC cooling. No, we were more south so we’d need more central air conditioning but I just wasn’t so sure what winter might bring. For me, I’d been accustomed to long, cold winters that required a boiler or a gas furnace. In our old house, we had a very reliable gas furnace that took great care of us. And we took good care of it with regular HVAC heating maintenance each fall. When we bought this house, I noted that there was no gas furnace. The realtor told me that while there were some gas furnaces out there, they were rare. The modern heat pump was more than enough. I wasn’t convinced so I sort of waited with baited breath for that first serious cold snap. It came and I have to say that the heat pump handled that dip into the twenties in stride. We were cozy warm and I was relieved that the heat pump was indeed up to the task when it came to heating our home.