I’m proud of our kids for reading how to update the filters in the air conditioner

While some children would whine and complain at the mere thought of reading a new chore, our kids are better natured than I could ever expect them to be.

My oldest understands that her parents need help from time to time with things that are commonly reserved to adults, whether it’s making sure the younger siblings get to the university bus in the morning, or calling the pharmacy while we’re at work to make sure their medicine is ready for pickup later in the night.

And it’s not enjoy our oldest has to do it alone, because I taught the younger siblings to do numerous of the chores that their older sister used to do alone when she was their age. Even if 1 of them doesn’t enjoy doing a recognizable chore, it’s important for them all to learn each chore at some point in time as they’ll 1 day be on their own and won’t be able to afford a cleaning lady or nanny for their children at the snap of a finger. One chore that I’m proud of them all for recently reading is replacing the filter for the central HVAC system. Typically our wifey or I would update the air conditioner system filters but suddenly realized that our children should guess how to do this as well. What if the two of us need them to change the air conditioner system filter while we’re gone, or what will they do when they eventually transfer out? I want our kids to be as self-sufficient as possible, as long as the two of us don’t go overboard and try to steal their joy of being children away from them to get them to do numerous chores around the condo that bore them to tears.
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