Getting ready for my flight back home

My week-long vacation was amazing.

My aunt and uncle are the best when it comes to hosting friends and family.

I can’t ask for anyone better. The guest house was amazing! It was even better that they let me do any of the settings for the air conditioning in there. The weather outside is beautiful but I do love being comfy at night getting ready for bed. The one thing about me is that I need the air quality to be just right for me to sleep. I struggle with anything over 70 degrees. I do usually shut the a/c off when I’m going for long periods of time. Thanks to my uncle I have access to his smart thermostat from my cell phone. Note to self, don’t forget to turn off the thermostat when I leave. I have to fly out early tomorrow morning so today we are going to go out for dinner at my aunt’s favorite restaurant. Before we go to dinner I have to make sure I clean up this guest house or maybe they won’t let me stay here again. I don’t want that for sure. My clothes are everywhere, I’m glad they never came in here while I was here. Walking out of the guest house I feel the heat from the sun bearing down on me. That I like with the sun shining on me but when it’s not no thank you! It’s not long I’m under the sun as I pull open the sliding glass door to the main house and there are my aunt and uncle, smiling, “are you ready for dinner?” my uncle says.



heating equipment