I’m not old enough to be suffering from dementia, I know that, but I have a terrible problem with my memory. It wouldn't be so bad if I couldn’t remember anything, but it is selective. It is like when they say people have selective hearing, but I have selective memory. If I forgot small things it wouldn't mean too much. I tend to forget the important things. The most important thing I forget is the maintenance and repair that needs to be done on my HvAC system. I don’t want to forget to get the HVAC maintenance done. I will call the HvAC company and set up the appointment. I even answer the phone when they call with the reminder. It is on the actual day that I am to have the maintenance done, that I flake out. My mind doesn’t register what I am to do that day, which is to simply stay home. My husband is really upset that I am so forgetful about this. I tried to write notes to myself and I also put it on the calendar at my desk. I don’t know what happens, but somehow, something comes up and I have to leave the house. One time I had to leave because our daughter got sick and I had to pick her up at school. The last time, I had something that had to be picked up in town. I was only planning on being gone an hour, but I didn’t get home for almost four hours. This is my last chance to have our HVAC come to the house and do our HVAC maintenance. I can’t afford not to stay home and possibly miss the HVAC technician.

We had only one choice to change our HVAC habits. a/c care

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I love my mom and dad and there was very little that they wouldn't do for me. I was born with asthma and instead of growing out of it, I grew up with it. I grew up with asthma and severe allergies to almost everything. I couldn’t even smell a peanut without being rushed to the hospital. Dander and pollen made me wheeze and even caused my dad to take our family pet to a family member. I was taking so many medications that all I wanted to do was sleep all the time. When mom took me to one of my doctor’s appointments, we had a different doctor. He asked my mom if we had an air purification system in the house. She told him she didn’t even know what an air purification system was. He told her that they had a portable air purifiers that they could buy in nearly every department store. The air purifier would help would help to clean the air in my bedroom and I wouldn't have so many symptoms. With a whole home air purification system, the air purifier was placed inside the HVAC system. He said the UV light air purifier was best for my asthma and allergies. Mom told dad about all of this and he called the HvAC company. Within a couple of weeks, we had the UV light air purification system installed. For those couple of weeks when we don’t need either heating or air conditioning, I have my portable air purifier to keep the air clean in my room so I could keep breathing well.

Maybe I have seasonal dementia a/c workman

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I have a feeling that I would never need an alarm system for my garage. The odor in my garage is so bad, that I don’t even want to go in there. I have nothing that is worth stealing, at least not in the garage. When I bought my house, I thought I would have my garage to putter in. I would be able to work on my gadgets and maybe get back into building my remote control cars. I was so thrilled whenever my father allowed me to go into the garage with him. I wanted my garage to be a place of sanctuary for me and for my son, but it wasn’t to be. My wife was putting old broken toys that she ‘just couldn’t part with’ into the garage. My garage was now a storage area. Nothing in there was any good because the smell of paint, oil, and trash, had permeated everything. I called the HvAC company and asked if they were able to put a ventilation system into the garage. They sent a technician to the house and he went all through the garage. He told me he could a ventilation in the wall that would be like the ventilation system in a range hood. I liked that idea, but she also told me I had to get rid of the things that caused the odor and that had been inundated with the odors. I was thrilled to hear this because I was able to throw everything out and get my garage back. That’s when I asked how much it would cost to put HVAC into the garage.

The whole house air purifier changed my life   a/c care program

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I know how important it is to have pure sunshine. Nearly everyone experiences some kind of depression or anxiety at one time or another. I have been overwhelmed with depression and anxiety ever since I was a young person. The doctor was giving me all kinds of medication to help with the symptoms, but more often they would just increase the feelings. I often found ways to deal with it, on my own. I did get some information from the mental health clinic that I had to go to. They recommended that I go somewhere that offered artificial sunlight therapy. They told me that winter is the hardest time of year for people who are afflicted with depression and/or anxiety. I knew that during the summer air conditioning was able to make me feel better. I thought that if I moved down south, I would have more sunshine than I had here. During the winter, it was always grey and overcast and there wasn’t much chance to get sunlight I moved south and I got a small home of my own. I love the house because it had an air conditioned enclosed patio. I was able to sit on the patio in the air conditioning and enjoy the sunshine as it hit my face. I have to admit that since I move south, my depression and anxiety have been less troublesome. I finally feel better and I have a home of my own that gives me sunshine and air conditioning. I may not have been so manic if I had been born in the south.

All I wanted was an exhaust vent for my garage Hybrid HVAC system

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I never had a problem with dogs before, until they became permanent borders in my home. I thought it was going to be a temporary thing to have the dogs there. Then, my wife started getting carried away. I was really upset at first because I couldn’t stand the sound of the animals and the smell. The air filters were being changed weekly and they were clogged with hair and dander. When my wife told me she had sent in an application for a grant and it was approved, I was surprised because she didn’t tell me she had put in an application. She was now approved to turn our home into an animal rescue center and I was going to help. The first thing we did was take a wall out between the house and the patio so we had room for all of the animals. We built kennels in the backyard and then we placed pavers over the rest of the area. This made for a clean area for the dogs to run. We needed a place for the animals during the cold season and when it was raining. The area we had marked off originally, was soon separated from the rest of the house. We realized we had something that had to be done and couldn’t be forgotten. We had to put an HVAC system into the animal area, that would be separate from the home’s HVAC system. We had a whole home air purification system installed the home’s HVAC system and we had an air purifier into the HVAC system for the animals. So far we haven’t adopted out any of the animals, but I’m patient.

Sun is more important than the HVAC     Quality HVAC equipment

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We were both hesitant about our decision, right up until we sold the house. We found a small two bedroom apartment and we put our deposit down. Within the first three months, we knew we had made a mistake. The air conditioning broke down shortly after we started using it. I asked the building manager to get the HVAC company out to service the AC unit. Instead of the HvAC company, they sent the handyman over to change the air filter. The air filter didn’t get our air conditioning unit running. I was frustrated and I couldn’t wait until our six month lease was up. We were already beginning to look for a small home in a retirement community so we could get away from the apartment and the horrible HVAC system.

Dog hair is killing me and my HVAC system Further information on AC

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