Corporate wellness program improves productivity and morale

A couple of years ago, I noticed that the number of sick days being taken by my employees had greatly increased. When I interviewed several of my workers, they explained the stress the felt from long hours sitting at a desk and staring at a screen. They admitted to not eating properly and often grabbing fast food for their meals. I figured out that less than 15% of my workforce was following any type of exercise regiment or engaging in physical activity. Everyone was either sitting in their cars, in their desk chair or on their couch. Many were very unhappy with how much weight they’d gained over a very short period of time. I did some research and came across a corporate wellness program. I hired a personal trainer to come into the office and work with my employees. The personal trainer sat down with each individual to determine their concerns, goals and level of fitness. He then developed personalized meal plans and a fitness strategy He measured their weight and BMI and set achievable expectations. We cleared a conference room for group fitness training. The personal trainer was awesome at motivating everyone and working within their capabilities. In less than a month, I noticed an improvement in productivity and morale within the office. Within six months, there was much less absenteeism. My workforce was looking and feeling much better. Everyone was happier and more confident. My employees have even started a company softball league and they’ve competed in some local marathons. The investment into a corporate wellness program has actually saved me a great deal of money and promoted the success of my company.

Nutritional Counseling