I am loving having air conditioning in my car

I cannot even put into words the feelings I am having right now about having air conditioning in my car. I am one of those people who tries not to complain about the inconvenient things in life. I realized long ago, while visiting a foreign country, that we have so much to be thankful for here in the states. I vowed that I would do my best not to complain about little inconveniences in my life, and so far, I think I have done pretty well. One of the things that I have been tempted to complain about over and over again is not having air conditioning in my car. I went without air conditioning in my car for over four years. It was not bad during the fall and winter of course, but during the late spring and summer months, it was pretty hard. I would pour down sweat every single time I road to work in my car. It was hard to look presentable for work every day when I had an hour’s drive in a very hot car. My friends used to laugh at me when I came into work just pouring down sweat. They did not mean any harm by it, but it certainly did hurt at times. It took a lot for me to hold my peace about not having air conditioning. I kept trying to save up the money to get the air conditioning fixed, but things kept breaking around the house that I had to spend my savings on to replace. Finally, after four years of trying to save up the money, I was able to get my air conditioning fixed in my car. I have never been so thankful for air conditioning in my life!

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