Restaurant is briefly closed down for HVAC repair

It all clicked when she said, “HVAC concerns.” I instantly remembered back a couple of afternoons ago when my friend and I had gone to the restaurant, and I noticed that it was easily freezing in there

My favorite restaurant closed due to HVAC concerns. It makes me easily sad to know that my absolute favorite restaurant is closed. I planned to take my partner there for his birthday because I am sure that he would love it, unluckily, I will not be able to take him because of crazy HVAC concerns. It is the middle of the winter, and I thought that it felt pretty freezing in that restaurant when my friend and I went the other afternoon. I don’t know that anyone realized at that point that there was something wrong with the HVAC system. I knew that it was easily freezing, but our waitress just said that they had been keeping it freezing in the restaurant! Well, about many afternoons later, I was told by one of my friends that the restaurant was closed. I could not believe it at first, but then, she told me that it was only closed temporarily due to HVAC concerns. It all clicked when she said, “HVAC concerns.” I instantly remembered back a couple of afternoons ago when my friend and I had gone to the restaurant, and I noticed that it was easily freezing in there. I thought that they didn’t have the heat on at all, and looking back, the oil furnace was not even now working that afternoon. I hope that they can get the HVAC proposal fixed soon so that I can take my partner for a date to that restaurant, however they have some of the best food that I have ever had, so I hope the HVAC concerns aren’t as terrible as they sound.
