My brother thought that he could run the air conditioning & heat at the same time

I only had a single sibling growing up, my younger brother.

He has a nice heart & nice intentions, however isn’t easily smart.

He struggled in elementary university so much that he was held back in the sixth grade. It never got easier for him as he got older. By the time he reached high university, he was immediately put into remedial math & math classes. He was consistently nice at laboring with his hands, although he did not excel at academics regardless of the subject. Thankfully a guidance counselor helped him get involved with the trade university program at our high university, otherwise I don’t think what my brother would do to support himself. As a automobile mechanic, you would suppose that he’d possess basic usual sense with all machines, regardless of what they are. Unluckyly, he is pretty stubborn with cooling systems & oil furnaces. He ended up frying his cooling system after forcing it to respond to rapid temperature changes everyday. When he left for work, he would put the temperature at 85. Then when he returned, he would crank it down to 71 for the rest of the night into the next afternoon. Everyday he was forcing his terrible cooling system to climb a mountain in terms of cooling output. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he told me that he was running his cooling system & oil furnace at the same time. They’re both separate machines with different ventilation systems, so someone as dumb as my brother can genuinely achieve something as deranged as this. Some air handlers have a heating coil next to the evaporator coil, so the temperature control controls both & only a single can run at a time.


ductless heat pump