If Dealing with Respiratory Issues, Check Your Air Ducts

I simply can’t stand to be sick.

  • It not only sucks to feel bad but, I hate not being able to do anything.

It’s like a huge inconvenient time waster. The only upside is I might take a day off of work. But, that comes with consequences as well. Too many days at home turn into a ton of work to catch up on. Besides, laying in bed trying to micro manage the HVAC temperature while a fever rages isn’t really any fun at all. Luckily, I have been a person who only gets “go to bed” sick maybe twice a year. That’s why this past year has really bothered me. It started off with feeling like I was always congested. That progressed into just feeling sort of listless because I was always dealing with some sort of sinus issue seemingly all the time. I went to the doctor about it. It was good to find out that I was healthy but something was really affecting my respiratory system. It was similar to an allergy but more pervasive. He asked me about our home. While we have pets, I have never been allergic to them. And we are clean people. There is no mold or mildew around. At least that’s what I thought. The doctor told me that I might should get my air ducts cleaned. I didn’t know that was even a thing! I contacted our HVAC folks and they set up an appointment for a sister company to come out to completely clean our entire ductwork system. The difference was nearly immediate. Within days, my head began to clear up. I could breathe better easier and I felt like myself again. I wish I had known about the duct cleaning way before.


temperature control