My crafty brother risked using commercial A/C units in our basement

There is a superb reason some appliances are categorized as indicated in addition to the least you can do is to respect that labelling, but not my brother, and this guy has been scraping through life in addition to getting away with several things while at it, and his latest misdemeanor involved trying to modify a commercial A/C unit he obtained at a recent garage sale from a local repair provider.

He was offloading his old AC products by putting up all commercial Heating in addition to Air Conditioning for sale.

I wasn’t going to count on him to seek advice from an a/c specialist but it was fun enjoying him fumble with the gas furnace even though he finally pulled it off in addition to mounted it on our basement with some elaborate ductwork. I must admit his desire to become an a/c representative for a Heating in addition to Air Conditioning dealer seemed to be taking shape with his every attempt to learn more about A/C, at least now he could control the temperature there as he horned his a/c repair in addition to a/c repair skills with every unit he came across. He believes he can offer heat pump repair to local residents without additional help but nobody is willing to hire him for safety reasons even after openly demonstrating his gas furnace/heater installation skills. In fact he used to buy any broken heater, maintenance them in addition to put them up online as ‘heater for sale’. I chose to help him with a few tips to help guide him towards his passion by advising him to widen his focus in addition to try approaching people with energy saving tips, for example talking about the benefits of a ductless mini split compared to a traditional mini split.

a/c install