Going to do heated flooring as well

I am single in my thirties and living in a house that I own. I have no boyfriend, kids or really anything draining my budget either. I pay a little bit on my mortgage every month and my daily expenses are really low. So what do I do with all my money? I have made the decision to put my money into my house. I have slowly gone through my home updating each room to be perfect. Right now I am doing all the flooring in the house. All the carpets, tack boards and old tile in the bathrooms are removed. I bought cement boards and brand new tile to go in the different rooms of the house. I have the money, I am going to have a handyman install my new tile flooring. I did read online recently that heated flooring is best installed after you rip up floors. Everything I have read about this heating system makes me want it more. Heat doesn’t rise since it is electric mats at your feet. Additionally, since it is not air, the indoor air quality stays cleaner and you don’t hear the system operate. The radiant heat warms all objects it touches like the couch, chairs and bed. You can set the thermostat a little lower and save energy due to this. I want to get heated flooring super bad. I have the money, even though it will double my flooring project budget. Everything I read said a homeowner could do the heating installation on their own. I think it will be worth paying a licensed heating professional to do it though.


Electric heating system