I believe room air purifiers work better.

I know that there is a relationship between indoor air quality and immune system health, but I am wondering if whole house air purification systems with UV lights really are a necessity.

  • Our bodies are designed to be exposed to viruses and bacteria and that’s how we strengthen our immune systems.

For example, live viruses are used in vaccinations so that our bodies develop an immunity to the specific disease being vaccinated against. Wouldn’t preventing exposure of viruses and bacteria actually weaken the immune system? And just because we are exposed to something doesn’t mean we will actually get sick. Maybe this is just my excuse not to invest in a whole house air purification system, but I just don’t see the need for it. Even with the virus. How is an air purifier attached to my HVAC system going to protect me if someone with Coronavirus coughs on me? That doesn’t mean that I don’t plan on investing in any air purification system. I plan on picking up some room air purifiers this weekend, and placing them in the common areas of the house. We are also going to witch to HEPA filters. I heard on the radio that UV lights have shown to kill the coronavirus, but, then again you have to wait for the virus to get into your HVAC system for it to be zapped by UV lights. I prefer to trap the coronavirus and other viruses before they get into my HVAC system, which is why I am putting room air purifiers throughout the common areas. I just believe that they will work better.


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