Why would someone willingly go without air conditioning?

I’m trying to figure out why someone would willingly go without air conditioning when they live in a tropical area.

It’s hot and humid 9 months of the year.

All the stores, offices and restaurants have air conditioning, so if you work indoors, you are going to get used to it. Once you get used to air conditioning, going without it is miserable. I guess if you are retired or disabled or otherwise don’t work, you don’t get used to air conditioning unless you run it at home and it isn’t so hard to do without it, but, once you get past the heat, you have the humidity to worry about. The air conditioning doesn’t just cool the home, it dries the air, helping to prevent mold. And, air conditioning keeps the bugs away, or at least inactive. I couldn’t imagine going without air conditioning living here. I suppose people going without air conditioning just prefer to save money, but newer air conditioning systems are so energy efficient, I would rather spend a few extra dollars to be comfortable. I remember one summer when we had to replace our air conditioning. We went four days without it. We were miserable. We spent our days at my sister’s air conditioned house, in the air conditioned mall, and the air conditioned movie theater. We had fans blowing directly on us at night but it was still really hard to sleep. I couldn’t imagine willingly going through that heat all day and night, every day and night, without air conditioning. That just seems crazy to me.

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