Working a bit too much

I work as an independent HVAC worker and have my own one man heat and a/c company. I have been doing business like this for the last 5 years almost non stop and I finally realized the other day I have been working way too hard and I need to take a break! Lord knows I can afford to with how well business has been doing. I just didn’t do it yet. But it is well time that I take a break from repairing and installing central heating and air conditioning system units and take some kind of vacation. Even if it is just sitting at home doing nothing but relaxing and watching movies or something like that. I plan to close my heating and air conditioning business for 2 weeks at the beginning of next month. I am not sure if I am taking an actual vacation or just staying at home, but one thing is for sure..and that is I will not be working at all! I will be doing no heating and air conditioning repairs or installations and not even thinking about heat and a/c! I don’t even want to hear the words heating and air conditioning during the time I am taking off. I need this break very badly and I am going to be heavily enjoying it and very much looking forward to it now! My doctor even said if I did not take a break I would be doing high damage to my health. And I do not want that. So heating and air conditioning work will need to take a back seat for a few weeks!


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