It’s nice having a son who is a skilled HVAC professional

I was proud of our son when he first got his HVAC certification.

I knew he was interested in working on heating and cooling systems at a young age, but I didn’t know if he would really pursue the career.

He has been studying hard over the years and when he graduated from high school, he took the HVAC trade school very seriously. He now is a gifted HVAC professional at a local HVAC company that is fantastic. We are friends with his boss and everything and he doesn’t mind that our son helps us with our HVAC troubles for no charge. Even when we had an emergency issue with our HVAC one time, our son was able to get off work to come help us out. Our son has always been very thoughtful and has provided us with maintenance tips and energy saving tips over the years. He even has taken care of some of the HVAC tune-ups, but he says that we need to focus on getting an HVAC service plan so we could save money and always stay on top of our regular HVAC system maintenance. It was actually a great idea and we ended up enrolling in an HVAC service plan through our son’s HVAC company. He was surprised because he ended up being officially assigned to our HVAC system! It’s actually better this way and what’s even better is that we get priority scheduling when we have issues with our HVAC now. So if the HVAC company is backed up, we can still get fast service, and for a great price.

heating industry